Talk with Maharishi Ramana Nov 29, 1935.

Swami yogananda came in the Ramana Ashram with four people the time was 8:45. ( he was a great saint who lived in California in woods 1925 to 1950 ). his P.A. C.R. Right asked this question; ‘ How can I find God?’

Maharishi Ramana; God is an unknown personality, and other thing he is outside. but your ‘Atman’ self is always with you! and he is you! and which is inside ,why you want to leave and searching outside?

C.R. Right; Then what is this ‘Atman’?

Maharishi Ramana ; Everybody knows it but just it is not clear, your existence remains every time. existence is ‘Atman‘ ! ‘I am’ is the name of God.’ there are so many definitions of God .but not as good as from the Bible ,” I AM THAT, I AM” Bible EXODUS, CHAPTER 3. In Hindu Upanishads they said,” Ahambrhasmi” ( I AM THAT). But in JEHOVAH —- ‘I AM ‘ is the best definition. the knowledge of the self is also is knowledge of God. in fact there is no God instead of ‘Atman‘ . —— from book ‘ Talks with Maharishi Ramana’