What is mind? if one searches to find it, then there would be no separate entity as the mind.——Maharishi Ramana.

Comment; Maharishi Ramana used to live in meditation every-time so he spoke few words. or by asking any devotee he used to write the answer so I want to comment on these words. Maharishi as gave the method of self- inquiry, in this method we observe our mind, and it is the way of meditation, our thoughts starts to minimize by this method. but we should take care that our knowledge which comes from our traditions, religions, from our society or universities that should not come at that time because it is the process of ending the thoughts. we want to gape in our thoughts. and when some thoughts appear we should question to ourself ‘ To whom these thoughts have arisen?’ then we will say in mind ‘To me’ then second question will be,’ Who am I’ by repeating this method over again and again the mind will have skill stay in the source which is ‘Atman’ or self. it is self realization.